

Once upon a time in Dracula’s land I met a prince but unfortunately that didn’t work out so I decided to leave and try my luck in Advertising.

Copywriter by day and red-eyed vampire by night.

P.S. At night I wear a green cape, it’s a trend I started in the vampire world.

Now you know where I come from and what I can do.


2019 Cannes Lions Silver - Garden Buddy

2018 ADCI Silver - Dacia The Auction

2018 Cannes Lions Shortlist - Dacia The Auction

2018 New York Festivals Finalist - The Authentic News

2017 SCA Silver - #SaveRomanianCharacters

2017 SCA Bronze - Lego FunCity Project

2017 Young Shits Winner - The Authentic News

2017 Creativity International Platinum- Hijacking the iPhone 7 Launch

2017 Creativity International Bronze- Lego FunCity Project

2015 D&AD 2015 Wood Pencil - Datelivery


DaciaTheAuction: BBC,, libero24x7spot&web, iamcalciopublicitàitaliatuttoudinese

Home Again: nowymarketing, adevee, advertologcoloribus

Authentic News: adevee, advertologcoloribus

Spatial Tetris: adsoftheworldnowymarketing, adevee, advertolog, coloribus

#SaveRomanianCharacters: helloyoucreatives, welovead 

Lego FunCity Project: coloribus, advertolog, welovead, creativityawards

Datelivery: graphiscoloribus, advertolog, paperblog, marketingdirecto, blogmiamiadschoolmadrid, welovead, D&AD

Hijacking the iPhone 7 Launch: adsoftheworld, adeevee, graphis, coloribus, advertolog, welovead, creativityawrads

Nicorette: coloribus, advertolog, helloyoucreatives, welovead

Wharton 'People who believe:  coloribus, advertolog, welovead




Senior Copywriter, 7+ years of International experience.  

To find out more contact me @
